Thursday, August 27, 2020

Evil And Angel Nature Of Human Being Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Malice And Angel Nature Of Human Being - Essay Example The unmistakable attributes are distinguished by the earth in which an individual is supported. In any case some of the time nature assumes control over the support yet it happens only here and there. The most watched and conceded wonder is expressed by the effect of after birth development, condition and support. This plainly infers the way that both of the ways are basically enlisted in human instinct however the unmistakable one is impacted through their common learning (Nietzsche and Faber, 1998). It very well may be derived that people are not terrible from their center; rather they are made by enlisting benevolence among them. Logical Arguments In lieu of posing the least major inquiry of looking through the reality about the idea of infants, it is exemplified that the psyche of a child has been quite recently like an unfilled exhibit. In the unfilled exhibit, the infant will hold the things which will be talented to that person in the new world. Anyway it is medicinally demons trated that children take the impact of the external world before even the mother brings forth him. Human kids get immediate impact from the idea of guardians, grandparents, external condition and from the disposition of their mom when they are inside their mothers’ paunches. The investigation of human hereditary qualities uncovers the reality from the investigation of DNA and qualities. Anyway it may go inverse too in light of the fact that everything depends over the quality of powerful factors on pre birth youngster brain science (Ridley, 2003). Inspiration driving Evil Acts Human youngsters are as magnificent animal as they have least social impact at the hour of birth anyway it goes embellished with the progression of time. Neighborhood test research had been led by the researchers of Yale University. The outcomes clarified that children of little ages additionally have a similar feeling of fortunate or unfortunate and they know to favor great over awful. Anyway this is the piece of realizing which is instructed to them. Still the topic of malice doings emerges the same number of individuals in this world enjoy fiendish behaviors by knowing the results and noxious end results. There may be two reasons of proceeding with underhanded behaviors which are experimentally analyzed and demonstrated i.e., Consequences are not legitimately connected to hurt their inclinations second, they are upheld to proceed with what they have been doing in light of the fact that the results are sufficiently noteworthy to hurt them adequately. It is only occasionally seen that individuals proceed with terrible doings while they were obscure as they are utilized to do well for the most part. For the most part this case is seen with more youthful creatures or in strict or legitimate issues based on absence of related information (Stafford, 2013). What Makes a Man Evil? There are a few mental factors also which are sufficient critical to change the conduct of a person. For example desire is a factor which further transforms into retribution and intrigue kind of malice in the general public. In today’s current and contemporary condition, everyone battles to run quicker in the race of social class, style, pay and information. Envy is the least harming phase of social shades of malice for instance, subsequent to seeing somebody wearing a costly wrist watch you out of nowhere think, â€Å"would that it was mine† (Nietzsche and Faber, 1998). This further makes you asked to see some path all together as ready to purchase such a costly scope of routine wear embellishments. To make way of life better and contend with others, a few people disregard the restrictions of good and awful. This infers individuals are not normally off-base or awful however some upgrade can make them slanted towards an inappropriate behaviors. More often than not these off-base behaviors are sponsored by substantial prizes for instance, an individual uncovers authoritati ve privileged insights to any outsider or adversary so as to get cash from them. Likewise

Saturday, August 22, 2020

So I can make it clear why Seabiscuit is about perseverance I wrote a short review of the film Essay Example

So I can clarify why Seabiscuit is about persistence I composed a short survey of the film Essay This logical folio depends on the medical problem creating fundamental abilities, more to the point, constancy. I picked the film Seabiscuit to break down as it is a film dependent on persistence, and this is depicted by all the characters. I accept diligence is a significant piece of regular daily existence, for everyone, in each assignment. In the event that we didnt continue on, numerous assignments would stay uncompleted. The film, in light of the book by Laura Hillenbrand, is a genuine story, and was discharged in 2003. There were four makers for this specific film, Kathleen Kennedy; Frank Marshall; Gary Ross and; Jane Sindell. Gary Ross was likewise the chief. So I can clarify why Seabiscuit is about constancy I composed a short survey of the film. Seabiscuit is set in the mid 90s during the Depression. As I would like to think the focal topic of this film is that there have been individuals from past occasions who have been daring and valiant enough to acknowledge that their social standings are as dark horses, and have battled to beat all chances to accomplish their objectives. We will compose a custom paper test on So I can clarify why Seabiscuit is about steadiness I composed a short survey of the film explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on So I can clarify why Seabiscuit is about steadiness I composed a short survey of the film explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom paper test on So I can clarify why Seabiscuit is about steadiness I composed a short survey of the film explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer The tale of Seabiscuit is the story of four impossible legends, Charles Howard (Jeff Bridges), is a well off sales rep, who endures both individual and budgetary misfortunes during the downturn. Looking like his children shocking passing, his separation and his business going under, he recaptures trust through a pony and his racer. Tom Smith (Chris Cooper), is a taught, maturing coach, Johnny Red Pollard (Tobey Maguire), is a hotheaded racer with different handicaps against him. These incorporate being visually impaired in his correct eye, looking for where he has a place as he was surrendered by his folks as a little youngster, and later in the film, adapting a broke leg. The to wrap things up of these four is Seabiscuit, a modest pony, who has been abused for his entire life, and furthermore endures a leg injury during the film. It is the downturn and nobody gets away from the brutality of the occasions. It is during these grim days that pony hustling rapidly accumulates energy, and it is under these conditions that the four primary characters stories weave. Howard looks for another undertaking in horse hustling and enlists Pollard as his Jockey and Smith as his coach. Smith occurs along Seabiscuit, a wrecked pony and barely spares him from a slug, at that point demands that Howard lets him train the irritable pony for hustling. Seabiscuit before long turns into the longshot who could, and wins numerous races. Yet, regardless of his fame, Seabiscuit is viewed as a modest oddity by the first class of the East Coast Horse Racing, headed by Samuel Riddle, proprietor of the triple crown champ War Admiral. Howard increases open kindness so as to drive Riddle to take care of business, and this quickly develops into a media free for all. Seabiscuit, the delegate of the dark horse expectations and dreams and War Admiral, the recipient of champion rearing and preparing, at long last race in 1938 at a race course named Pimlico. Prior to this time, Pollard breaks his leg, and can't ride in this race; in actuality he is informed that he will never ride again. After the race, at Pimlico, Seabiscuit additionally harms his leg, and Howard is educated that he will never race again. Notwithstanding the chances stacked against them, Seabiscuit and Pollard would not surrender. Both Seabiscuit and Pollard gradually restore one another, and race together once more, in spite of the fights that Howard and Smith voice. The last race in this film is fantastic, and shows the best tirelessness that could have been accomplished by these characters. Exactly when it looked like Seabiscuit was beaten in the final lap, he dodged in the middle of the ponies in front and left away with a triumph. This film shows how these men and brute beat extraordinary chances to accomplish their objectives. I believe that if everyone indicated the determination that the characters depict, life would be a lot more straightforward. They let nothing get them down, and I set out to state that a larger number of individuals than what you would have at any World Series or football excellent last today would have joined in, and perhaps no one remaining the track feeling frustrated, however rather brimming with trust. In our every day lives, we experience ordinarily when we continue on, regardless of whether we dont understand this. At the point when things turn out badly, we by and large attempt to figure out how to cure the circumstance, this is steadiness. Going to work, school or a movement that we go to consistently, regardless of whether we dont appreciate it, this is duty, which shows determination. Putting stock in your fantasies, similarly as the characters in Seabiscuit did is diligence. Persistence is a responsibility, a commitment to yourself and finishing your activities. Constancy empowers a person to try despite difficulty. Diligence is defining objectives and staying with them, making alterations if necessary, until finished. Much the same as in the film, when Seabiscuit and Pollard were told they couldnt go on, they balanced their objectives and completed what they had decided to achieve. Additionally the way that Pollard and Seabiscuit were supporting each other is a piece of driving forward also. Without help or support, I dont figure continuing on would be simple. Trusting in ones self and your objectives, accomplishing what you set out to do, having fearlessness to accomplish what you need to accomplish and having consolation en route, all assume a job in steadiness. The characters in this film endured through a wide range of issues by keeping concentrated on their objectives. Ordinary, regardless of whether it is getting up for work, school or something different, finishing undertakings that you have to would/like to do, or even simply preparing a feast. Having objectives and finishing the objectives, as little as they may appear, is enduring. This film shows characters persisting through a wide range of difficult issues, however not everything we drive forward at are hard. Consistently, I get up and eat with my child, and afterward I will plunk down with my child to watch a program with him. I at that point do some schoolwork, perhaps start some garments washing or heating and afterward it is noon. Just in a couple of hours I have continued on four perhaps multiple times without knowing. Persistence doesnt consistently should be recognized, however in the event that you look close enough at your own life you will presumably observe a considerab le lot of continuing on. On the off chance that you look in the mirror, the individual you see gazing back at you is most likely an individual who has endured at some stage. On impression of the issue of tirelessness which is appeared in this film, I have picked up the information that in even the least complex errand, anyone can continue on. I had never understood that simply having confidence in ones self and your objectives is constancy. I underestimated the errands which I finished ordinarily as simply everyday assignments, except didn't understand that by finishing these undertakings was driving forward. I accept that this film depends entirely on the medical problem of constancy, as all the characters depicted continued on through the difficult situations. I would prescribe this transition to totally anyone as it caused me to acknowledge, as I am certain others will locate, that enduring is a piece of regular day to day existence. I accept that this film was about the connections individuals have with one another, and the circumstances we wind up in view of these connections. I will take with me the information that I am continuing on ordinary, regardless of whether I understand it, and that puts a grin all over.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Worst Mistake in History free essay sample

Ultimately, his announcement about bunching all together being the reason for spreading maladies is totally invalid negating to everything mankind has achieved up until this point. 12,000 years prior, the Agricultural Revolution began isolating the Neolithic Period and the Paleolithic Period. The significant change between the Paleolithic and Neolithic time frame was the training of creatures and harvests. The Agricultural Revolution acquired sensational changes the Neolithic Period. Individuals no longer needed to pursue creatures around and had the option to settle in one spot and start the primary human advancements. It was a change from a Hunter gatherer to ranchers. This is the place I can't help contradicting Jared Diamond. He expresses that all the Agricultural Revolution did was make disarray shaping social classes and the imbalance among people. A characterized Social class is an essential component of beginning a human advancement with the goal that part is far from being obviously true. Taming abled us to settle in one stop which gave us a head start on beginning our progress. We will compose a custom article test on Most exceedingly terrible Mistake in History or on the other hand any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page This procedure wasn’t vital befuddling making it an inconvenience for mankind. The issue about nourishment that Jared Diamond raises is easy to refute in light of the fact that it may truly rely upon what district he concentrated to track down the numbers. Despite the fact that people began to tame harvests, it doesn’t mean they didn’t chase for creatures. During the Agricultural Revolution, people grave in one locale a train grains, for example, grain, wheat, and rice contingent upon the district. As opposed to making an unequal nourishment pyramid, including a grain divides expanded the life expectancy of the people. Likewise Jared Diamond expresses that living respectively may have been an extraordinary hindrance since plagues would spread speedier killing numerous individuals one after another. However, then again, if people never settled and were consistently on their feet, none of this we have now would have occurred. There would have never been a development without the Agricultural Revolution. In light of what Jared Diamond expresses, humankind is giving themselves trouble by beginning to tame harvests and creatures just dependent on the possibility that living close causes a snappy spread of illness Clearly the Agricultural Revolution isn’t the most exceedingly awful error humankind has ever made. The Agricultural Revolution is the thing that formed the universe of how it is today. The developments, the beginning of everything. All of Jared Diamond’s contentions on why the Agricultural Revolution might be the most exceedingly awful misstep humankind has ever constructed are substantial and they do have a point. Yet, as per every one of his contentions, they negate on all of what humankind has achieved to do as such far. The Agricultural Revolution isn’t a misstep, Its a gift that mankind has put on themselves to shape this world.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Alignment Of Standards Definition And Content - 1303 Words

Alignment to Standards: Standard 3 - The physically literate individual demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness. Fitness Knowledge Recognizes that when you move fast, your heart beats faster and you breathe faster (S3-E3-K) *The standard was taken from the SHAPE America s National Standards. SHAPE America. (2013). Grade-level outcomes for K-12 physical education. Reston, VA Learner Objectives: †¢ TLW demonstrate how to locate the radial pulse and measure their heart rate. †¢ TLW measure their heart rate and recognize that as a result of moving fast, the heart rate and breathing increases. †¢ TLW describe which type of fitness activities increase the heart rate. Objective Alignment: The first objective is directly aligned with Standard 3, it calls for learners to demonstrate their knowledge of how to locate the radial pulse and measure the heart rate. The second objective is aligned with the standards verb and content, and focuses on the student’s ability to recognize that as a result of moving fast, the heart rate and breathing increase. The third objective addresses Standard 3, learners will be able to demonstrate knowledge and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness by being able to describe which type of activity causes the heart rate to increase. Lesson Materials and Resources: Audio recording of heart beats Heart rate prediction sheets Pencils Station cones StationShow MoreRelatedWhere I Am I Now?1501 Words   |  7 Pagesaware of what students know and understand, having sufficient evidence of this understanding, and offering a grade that accurately reflects this†. As a Family and Consumer Science teacher, mainly food courses, I found that I partially meet Huhn’s definition of assessment. In all my food labs, I use a rubric to grade the students. Each kitchen receives one lab rubric, five to six students in a kitchen, and I tend to grade them as a whole. It is very difficult to make sure I have sufficient evidenceRead MoreReflection Paper On Curriculum1309 Words   |  6 PagesGenevieve faculty collaborates together concerns their method of curriculum development, alignment, and revision. This reflection assignment will examine the curriculum process of Ste. Genevieve R-II. The following items will be addressed within this analysis: the definition of curriculum, the district’s formal/informal/hidden curriculum, the district’s curriculum leadership, the impact of Missouri Standards on the district, the district’s current plan for curriculum revision, and a descriptionRead MoreThe Value Encompassing The Culture Of Leveraging People, Process, Data And Technology1429 Words   |  6 Pagesrise productivity, and improve project’s delivery in terms of time and budget. (Santosus, 2003) This proposal will assist organization to prepare the structure and governance for Portfolio Management Office; because organization without strategic alignment, the mission and vision will not be possible to succeed. It could be an outstanding strategic plan for the market and according to the benchmarked, but without a proper implementation and monitoring; the plan become a risk and a failure. â€Æ' Why weRead MoreHigh School Students : Common Core And College And Career Readiness1706 Words   |  7 Pageshow these initiatives are being integrated into the college readiness standards. Federally funded programs, such as Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) (Hemmer, 2013). The third factor focus on the technological implementation of the two types of standard state assessment systems and problematic communication between accountability reports. This research will show a comparison between the common core standards and college readiness within the same demographics in two differentRead MoreEssay about The History of Digital Cinema885 Words   |  4 Pageshistory and digital cinema was already at the helm. 2K Resolution is related to digital cinema; it is a primary method of storing video as an electronic copy contained inside a storage device. Computer severs and hard drives are used to store the contents of the video. Digital cinema creates an electronic projection onto a large screen instead of projecting hard light like in traditional cinema projection. Although digital cameras are not exactly new, along with post production houses that have usedRead MoreOutline Of A Balanced Literacy1398 Words   |  6 Pageswith the North Carolina Standard Course of Study so that students are able to read, write, and communicate effectively with a variety of audiences in order to live productive lives. Balanced Literacy provides the foundational structure and scheduling for delivering the North Carolina English Language Arts curriculum in kindergarten through eighth grades. Balanced literacy along with our scope and sequence defined in our pacing guides enhance vertical and horizontal alignment. Components of balancedRead MoreState Wide Definition Of College And Career Readiness972 Words   |  4 PagesFirst of all, the state wide definition of College and Career Readiness (CCR) is â€Å"level of preparation students’ needs to enroll and succeed in a credit-bearing, entry-level college courses (ACT, 2015).† The statics of Hispanics high school students passing math and reading is 22% (Moore, 2010). Hispanics students have a higher percentage when looking at the subjects individually with 37% in reading and 39% in math but this is not a true indicator demonstrating college completion (Moore, 2010).Read MoreDesigning Curriculum, Instruction, And Assessment1125 Words à ‚  |  5 PagesPower Standards represent a collection of the most essential â€Å"big ideas† from the curriculums that were adopted by the state and local boards of education. They are the ultimate learning goals for students, the most vital elements of what we what students to know and to be able to do. As a Technology Specialist, my role is to coach teachers and assist them with technology integration. I will call upon the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) standards for students, Standard 3: ResearchRead MoreThe Standards Based Education System1823 Words   |  8 Pages The thirty-odd-year push to create a standards-based education system in the United States has seen teacher preparation programs and classroom teachers strive to make sense of national, state, and local standards and how best to address those standards in the classroom. As many researchers have noted (Guskey, 2005; Gullickson 2005; DeLuca 2012; McMillan, 2013; Bonner, 2013; and Brook hart, 2011 2013), classroom teachers are increasingly required to be data driven in their instruction and fluentRead MoreOnline Course Developments Analysis946 Words   |  4 Pagesis used to provide students with a standardize classroom experience. The template presents the online course content in a standard format that allows students to have the same navigation experience from one course to the next. 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Friday, May 15, 2020

The Presentation Of Contraceptives During The Mid 70s

Name: Title: Institution: Abstract The presentation of contraceptives in the mid-70s, with an adequacy rate of 98 percent with high utilization and perfect use 90 percent application among the adolescents, was a main consideration in empowering women to pursue training and occupation, achieve monetary autonomy, and appreciate sexual expression without the danger of an undesirable pregnancy. Contraception is the planned anticipation of controlling or prevention, impregnation by different medications, procedures, or gadgets – additionally all the more broadly known as anti-conception medication. Contraception is any technique that is utilized to avoid pregnancy and it can arrive in a couple of distinctive structures. Background information Contraception is a type of anti-conception medication that can be utilized to counteract pregnancy, and infections, for example, HIV, and STDs. A history on contraception goes back to 3,400 years ago. Men in Egypt wore condom-like sheaths as appealing and eye-getting penis covers. By the eighteenth century, condoms were being produced using sheep guts. In the antiquated Middle East, Arabs set rocks in the uterus of female camels when they set off on long trips. They felt that an outside article in the uterus avoided pregnancy. In today s public, there are numerous sorts of contraceptives that intended to fit individual’s identities and ways of life (Litt, 1995). Obstruction routines keep sperm cells from coming to the ovum so treatmentShow MoreRelatedPregnancy Induced Hypertension1798 Words   |  8 Pagesdate - not on breast feeding - not on contraceptive - regular menses POA : 37/52 EDD : 4 April 2013 Chief Complaint(s) This is a referred case from Klinik Kesihatan Jalan Raja Abdullah for high blood pressure during regular ante-natal check-up for 1 day duration. History Of Presenting Illness Patient was apparently well until 1 day ago when she was diagnosed to have high blood pressure during her regular antenatal check-up at Klinik Kesihatan Jalan RajaRead MorePerceptions of Youth Towards Premarital Sex9892 Words   |  40 Pagessexual values they have been taught. What follows are some things these youth need to consider. Teen-agers’ minds are saturated with sexually charged messages from virtually all aspects of contemporary culture. Moreover, accessibility o numerous contraceptive options, including as a last resort abortion-on-demand, have enabled the most obvious adverse consequence of promiscuity—the birth of unwanted babies—to be eliminated at will. Youths have entered a downward spiral of depravity in which the veryRead MoreWomen Empowerment12463 Words   |  50 Pagesmolestation. However, the average rate of convictions in cases of violence against women is | |below 15 percent. (AIDW A, 2002). It confirms the fact that women are mostly affected by profound economic, political and cultural changes going on in India, during the last| |one and half decade or so, under the name of globalization. | | Read MorePatient Family Care Study on Ovarian Cyst at Crh - Cape Coast15920 Words   |  64 Pagesguidance and supervision made this script a meaningful one. Furthermore, my sincere thanks go to all the authors of the literature used as reference for this study. Finally, my sincere gratitude goes to my family and colleagues who helped in diverse ways during my course of writing, I say God richly bless you all. INTRODUCTION The advancing nature of nursing in the world today demands a more technological advancement, professionalism and efficiency in approaching nursing. It involves the use of knowledgeRead MoreThe Impact of Electronic Media on Performance of Students11847 Words   |  48 Pageschanges that define this period: the biological – the onset of puberty; cognitive – the emergence of more advanced thinking abilities and the social - the transition into new roles in the society. There are five sets of developmental issues paramount during adolescence: identity, autonomy, intimacy, sexuality and achievement. These are sets of psycho-social issues that represent basic developmental challenges that all high school students face as they grow and change: discovering and understanding whoRead MoreImpacts of Microfinance on Grassroot Development a Case Study Uf the Ketu North District16020 Words   |  65 Pagesal (1997), Schuler et al (1998), Steel et al (2001) all focused on female emp owerment. All but one found evidence that microfinance program participation exerts a statistically significant impact on one or more aspects of female lives such as contraceptive usage or intra household decision making. The sole Bangladeshi impact study failing to find significant impact of microfinance is Goetze and Gupta who find that significant portions of the women’s loan were controlled by men relatives, therebyRead MoreMonsanto: Better Living Through Genetic Engineering96204 Words   |  385 Pagesthird section is where we describe brieï ¬â€šy what you can expect to occur during in-class case discussions. As this description shows, the relationship and interactions between instructors and active learners/students during case discussions are different than they are during lectures. In the ï ¬ nal section, we present a moderately structured framework that we believe can help you to prepare effective written and oral presentations. Written and oral communication ski lls also are valued highly in many organisationalRead MoreReed Supermarket Case32354 Words   |  130 Pagesmanage the global comeback? 1.2 Arcor: a Latin American confectionery player is globalizing its business 1.3 Video case study: Nivea Questions for discussion References 3 5 5 6 6 7 17 19 21 25 33 36 38 39 45 47 47 47 49 49 50 50 57 61 65 65 68 69 70 70 2 Initiation of internationalization Learning objectives 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Internationalization motives 2.3 Triggers of export initiation (change agents) 2.4 Internationalization barriers/risks 2.5 Summary Case studies 2.1 LifeStraw: Vestergaard-FrandsenRead MoreFront Office Customer Satisfaction19126 Words   |  77 Pagescomponents of service quality. Numerous definitions of service quality exist in the literature. Service quality is defined as â€Å"a number of inter-related factors including the way in which individuals are treated by providers, the scope of services and contraceptives available to clients, the quality of the information provided to the clients and quality of the counseling skills, the promotion of individual choice, the technical competence of providers, and the accessibility and continuity of services† (wwwRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Wor ds   |  656 Pagessignificance. But there is little agreement over when the twentieth century c.e. arrived, and there were several points both before the year 2000 (the collapse of the Soviet Union, the reunification of Germany, the surge of globalization from the mid-1990s) and afterward (9/11, or the global recession of 2008) when one could quite plausibly argue that a new era had begun. A compelling case can be made for viewing the decades of the global scramble for colonies after 1870 as a predictable culmination

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

My Own Goals And Dreams - 874 Words

In life goals and dreams are attain differently, and ways people are motivated to do certain things to reach their goals. My own main goal and dream in college is to be a successful clinical pharmacist and also specialize in pediatric. A clinical pharmacist is a pharmacist that is educated and trained to provide direct patient care in places like hospital, clinics and doctor offices. While pharmacist that specialize in pediatric provide direct patient care to children from neonates through adolescent. Clinical pharmacist might specialize in areas like internal medicine, neurology, critical care, cardiology and many more. As a junior year transfer student, my personal educational goal of professional development is to finish up the undergraduate classes left to proceed into the professional program by next year fall. Educational pathway and getting involved in college activities will help me to achieve my goal. With the curriculum aspects, there are classes that are offered and required to take per semester either in the spring or fall. Bachelors of Health Science degree require at least two to three semesters of classes with full academic load (15-18 credit hours) together with 15 credit hours of humanities before transition into the professional year. My five years educational curriculum plan are; In fall 2015, the classes I’m currently taking are Biochemistry, Global Heritage 1 and 2, Introduction to Health Care, and Microeconomics and a Social Science elective. For springShow MoreRelatedDreams And Dreams : Dreams, Hope, Love, And Regrets1330 Words   |  6 Pagestheir own way, this will insist of personality and appearance. The most important is pretty much the person s life story. Their dreams, hope, love, and regrets, each and every individual has a story on each of those traits, I just listed. Of course each human being is very unique so it will always differ from someone else’s story about life. These are the thing that makes you an individual in this society, even though your story might not be a pleasing one. Now let me explain who I am and my dreamsRead MoreThe American Dream By Derrick Harrell s Cotton907 Words   |  4 PagesThe American Dream is a concept that has been of a part of people’s lives and ideals for many decades. We all want the opportunity to become a success, to prosper and to live life to the fullest. In Derrick Harrell’s Cotton, even though he shares the wonder of the American Dream, he realizes that he cannot escaped his family and his upbringing. He will become like his parents and grandparents to an extent. The question is can one have the American Dream and individuality or are we all just aRead More Comparing Success in Horatio Algers Ragged Dick and the Life of Colin Powell1062 Words   |  5 Pagesof s uccess is affected by the social system. In America and Hong Kong, which are capitalistic societies affected by the American Dream, success means money and fame. In other societies, success might have different meanings. Some people said money and fame is the true meaning of success, but I think that the true meaning of success is to follow the interest of your own and being good at it, but not money and fame. Overemphasizing on these two factors can only lead to negative effects. Therefore IRead MoreThe American Dream By The 1970 S Essay1277 Words   |  6 Pages Over time, The American Dream has changed in an innumerable amount of ways. Past civilizations have laid the foundation for what we view it to be today. In the 1970s, people looked at a variety of aspects such as culture, political affairs (government), one’s appearance, and entertainment to fit their definition of â€Å"The American Dream†. The 1970’s helped shape and influence what people regard as the current American Dream. Living in the 70s was in the midst of a unique culture. TheatresRead MoreThe American Dream823 Words   |  4 PagesAmerican Dream is and what it takes to make it a reality. The most common and the most accurate idea of the American Dream is for all to have the opportunity to have a chance at living a nice life. This includes all immigrants and anyone else who seems to lack better opportunities often. The American Dream is the belief that anyone, regardless of race, class, gender, or nationality, can be successful in America (read:rich) if they just work hard enough (Wulick). The American Dream is also influencedRead MoreWhat Is The American Dream?1407 Words   |  6 Pages What is the American Dream? If you ask anyone they will provide you with all types of answers, from making a successful life for one to wishing and hoping that America changes and grows as a whole. Personally I believe that the American Dream is the idea that was put in my head as a small child by parents an d the other adults around. For me, this was the motion that in the beginning it’s as simple as going to school and make A’s so that I can be accepted into a good college, and then you must workRead MoreAmerican Dream Is Not A Dream771 Words   |  4 PagesAmerican dream is not a dream What is your own version of the American Dream? Money? Living a big house or having a nice car? I believe these are values that most of people define to them what the American Dream is. The American Dream has alway been challenging to receive happiness; but as an Americans, we had worked our way from inequality to freedom. First, immigration as one biggest puzzle in the United States. America is also refer to a melting pot. Because many different ethnic groups andRead MoreEssay about Self Help Book763 Words   |  4 PagesSamira Bashout Psych 3 07/29/2010 Self-Help Book Review â€Å"Wish It, Dream It, Do It† by, Leslie Levine is a book that has 52-step guide, one week at a time, to help a person accomplish their dreams. This book encourages you to focus on your goals, figure out strategies on achieving those goals, overcoming obstacles that delay your achievements, and staying inspired to do so. At this point in my life, I feel that I am on the wrong path and I need some correct guidance on helping myself figureRead MoreThe American Dream : Dead, Alive, Or On Hold?1104 Words   |  5 Pagespolitical structures in the United States. One of his published works, The American Dream: Dead, Alive, or on Hold?, debates his interpretation of the notion of the American Dream and whether the concept is dead, alive, or on hold. The speaker emphasizes his belief that the common phrase is still alive within America and that one must work hard in order to achieve it. When it comes to the topic of the American Dream, King will eagerly agree that the idea is still alive and thriving in the minds ofRead MoreJames Truslow Adams And The American Dream1371 Words   |  6 Pagesall their hopes and dreams. Although this is a simple concept, how one must work to achieve these goals is much more complicated. Everyone is born into a different situation and the opportunities they are exposed to differ depending on the person. The original idea of the â€Å"American Dream† supported the idea that all American citizens are able to obtain a better life than they are currently living; however, that idea is continuously changing and many interpret their own dream in different ways. James

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Social Governance Assurance And Consulting -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Social Governance Assurance And Consulting? Answer: Introduction This study demonstrates regarding the stipulations of the directive ASA 701 that talks about dictates as regards communicating appropriately key audit matters principally in the independent pronouncements of the assessors. ASA 701 is about communication of key audit maters and is mainly about autonomous pronouncements of auditors. The present auditing rule of Communicating Audit Key Matters of ASA 701 particularly in the pronouncements of auditors is necessarily generated at setting of the worldwide financial crisis. Essentially, this study illustrates about audit procedures of audit of financial pronouncements of Woolworths Limited for a particular period of time. Accounting Stratagems The governing bodies as well as transnational corporations namely Woolworths Limited can make effort to overcome unfavourable influences of worldwide financial crisis by directing the mechanisms of financial reform. According to the features of ASA 701, the auditing standard establishes different necessities and provides applications together with the explanatory materials regarding communication of important audit matters in necessarily the independent auditors report. According to requirement of the regulations of ASA 315, auditors of financial assertions of Woolworths Limited can take into account specific areas of high assessed risk of material misstatement otherwise considerable risks recognized in financial assertions (as mentioned in paragraph A 19- A 22). In essence, the assessor also needs to determine matters that were declared as per paragraph 9 of the regulation in the opinion report of the statement. This can be regarded as the key audit maters as mentioned in the paragr aph A 9 to 11 as well as A 27 to 30 ( 2018). Accounting Policies The annual report of the year 2016 of the corporation Woolworths Limited mentions that the basis of preparation of the report. This segment of basis of preparation states that the firm presented shows utilization of historical cost and specific foundations of going concern. In itself, this can aid in understanding modified opinions according to directives of ASA 570 or material misstatement associated to specific events or circumstances. This might probably help in understanding uncertainty regarding potential of the business as a going concern according to ASA 570. Thus, this can be considered as key audit matter that auditor can correspond for helping them understand potential of the corporation as going concern ( 2018). Analysis of financial statements of the firm Woolworths Limited Analysis of financial assertions of Woolworths Limited reflects the fact that the announcement that is the general purpose financial statements of the for profit corporation is prepared as well as presented as per Corporations Act (2001), standards declared by Australian Accounting Standards as well as Interpretations and the necessities of the law presented by the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). It is prepared using basis of historical cost excluding derivative instruments valued at fair value (Carson et al. 2016). The report states that accounting policies are implemented consistently to different periods. Assessment of audit risk As per the directives stipulated under ASA 315 declared by Auditing and Assurance Standards Board, assessors of the firm Woolworths Limited can analyse business risks. This essentially refers to risks stemming from significant conditions, events, situations that can unfavourably affect overall potential of firm to arrive at its objectives and put into practice requisite stratagems (Contessotto and Moroney 2014). Ways it can be related to financial statements of Woolworths Limited The directives mentioned under auditing standard (ASA 315) as mentioned under paragraph numbered A (105 to 108) states regarding recognition and analysis of material risk at specifically the level of financial statement ( 2018). Fundamentally, this can be associated to risks associated to material misstatement at the assertion level for different classes of transaction, companys balances of account together with disclosures of firm for delivering foundation for developing and undertaking processes of audit (Hu 2015). In essence, the assessor can evaluate detected risks and evaluate whether they relate to economic report. Significance of business risks in planning audit process in Woolworths Limited Bearing in mind high profile financial scams in present times, the role along with responsibilities of evaluators can be enquired. The auditors of Woolworths can gather comprehension concerning risks along with exposures of then firm finally created them to ignore the influence of aggressive exercises of accounting. Intrinsically, it is in view of this type of scams that recognition of top down approach can be emphasized for acquiring business of the corporation, environment of the business in which Woolworths Limited thrives, significant risks of business and the way risks can transform into audit risks (Liao et al. 2016). Processes of assessing audit risk In a bid to analyse risks, auditors can pursue the following processes: -Recognition of business risks that is applicable to purposes of financial reporting of Woolworths Limited (Hay 2015) -Estimating significance of risks -Analysing probability of occurrence -Making a decision as regards actions for addressing recognized risks According to directives as mentioned under AUS A24.1 of particular standard ASA 315, arrangements for both ownership and governance have the necessity to be there. The board of directors of the firm along with the ones endowed with governance liabilities can ascertain strategies for assertion for determination of level of risk. Basically, management of the corporation can formulate, execute and supervise efficient system of risk management to implement strategies that are approved by board of directors (Trotman et al. 2015). In addition to this, non-executive directors that are there on the autonomous commission and firms board can assess different incentive plans, taking into account commissions, optional bonuses, and service agreement of firms directors together with sharing of profit. The strong point of particularly internal audit together audit committee can help in autonomous appraising ( 2018). Appreciation of significance of internal control According to ASA 315 mentioned in paragraph A 36 to 41, assessor need to understand specific industry segmentation, regulatory along with the external facets together with the applicable structure. In itself, auditor of Woolworths Limited can gain deep insight concerning diverse internal controls relevant to the audit work. Most of firms system of controls that can be implemented to the audit procedure can possibly be associated to financial reporting processes (Soh and Martinov-Bennie 2015). Nonetheless, not all categories of controls that associate to financial reporting are appropriate to process of audit and assessment of financial. Intrinsically, as per directives stipulated under ASA 315, referring to A (42 to 65), it can be considered to be a factor of professional ruling of auditor in which assessor need to assess whether there is particular control, when considered individually or in aggregate and in combination with others relatable to audit processes (Junior et al. 2014). In this regard, the auditor can reflect as regards comprehension of control by gaining clear understanding by analysing whether management with supervising the ones charged with governance has developed and at the same time maintained culture of honesty and ethical conduct ( 2018). Risk related to Material misstatement in financial statement Risk of material misstatement indicates towards risk that financial items are wrongly stated to a certain point. Nevertheless, the risk can again be analysed by the auditors at two distinct levels, counting inherent risks along with control risks at the assertion stage. Essentially, inherent risks refer to propensity of financial statements of Woolworths Limited to misstatement caused by either intentional or non-intentional errors before considering different controls (Arens et al. 2015). Contrarily, control risk can be considered to be risk associated to material misstatement that invariably cannot be averted or else detected by firms specific internal controls schemes. As per auditing standard there is necessity to adhere to International Standard for particularly Auditing Standard ISA 260. Essentially, this indicates towards the requirement to communicate to the ones having charges of executing proper company governance issued by International Auditing along with Assurance Standards Board. Woolworths board members are liable to pronounce the outcomes of risk management exercises, besides activities of sovereign provider of assurance (Simnett et al. 2016). Essentially, this assists in maintaining control, particularly financial control and thereby can be regarded to be significant audit matter. The annual pronouncement of the corporation Woolworths Limited reflects that directors as well as board of directors have analysed budget of the complete group together with flow of cash during the year 2016. In addition to this, this report helps in understanding several aspects of insurance of the overall group. Founded on the assessment and background of current financial circumstances along with borrowing facilities, all the directors of the corporation remain fulfilled that this group is a fitting going concern and have continued to presume overall base of going concern throughout the course of preparation along with presentation of annual financial declarations (Simnett et al. 2016). Particularly, this procedure of communicating primarily key audit matters thereby helps administration to appear at suitable judgements, preparation and presentation of pecuniary statements. Analysis of going concern According to dictates stipulated under specific standard of auditing ASA 570 (referring to going concern), in itself there is necessity to mention risk evaluation processes along with associated actions, analysis of managements analysis, phase that is beyond the area of management, additional process of examination at the time when incidents are pinpointed (Arens et al. 2016). The necessities of the regulation ASA 570 also consist of carrying out suitable communication with the ones having responsibility of governance ( 2018). Nevertheless, critical assessment of Woolworthss statement replicates that treasury committee of the group was set up in the corporation that can administer treasury actions of the group. In actual fact, this group was accountable to ensure that there exists apt governance of different function. Particularly, groups audit committee presents oversight duties from the stance of Companies Act (Chandler 2014). Primarily, this can be related to the assessors of the firm, schemes of internal control along with relatable legislation, dictates plus actions of governance. In this regard, the entire committee entirely regulated different affairs as instituted and set up in terms of orientation that are periodically analysed and sanctioned by the entire board on an annual basis, aligned to the legislative requirements of the going concern ( 2018). The entire working group assessed the entire process of appraisal of the entire going concern of the complete group. Further, the group suggested to the firms board that then entire group can operate as going concern for the estimated future. Essentially, this report recommends that it needs to be solvent and provide forecasted dividend to shareholders. In particular, this declaration can be regarded to be a significant audit matter that has the requirement to be communicated for comprehension of actual financial state of affairs of corporation Woolworths Limited (William Jr et al. 2016). Conclusions In conclusion it can be said that auditors have the need to outline stratagems and consequently assimilate validation to uphold firms administration. Again, plentiful financial declarations are correct within materiality limit. Consequently, for the purpose of expressing these viewpoints, the auditors have the requirement to evaluate present evidences to arrive at conclusions that all material financial statements can be suitably maintained. Primarily, specialized scepticism in financial reporting of the firm Woolworths Limited can restrain auditors judgements and there is validation is necessary to attain the state. Furthermore, principle of mainly accounting is basically prescriptive. On the contrary, the legislations for the purpose of auditing have the necessity to be behavioural since the examinations as well as mechanisms are very much descriptive in form and to a great extent depend solely on auditors judgement/perception. Again, auditors of the firm Woolworths Limited have th e need to be self-governing and oversee diverse clients both in reality along with appearance. Therefore, auditor of the firm has the necessity to be objective and assessors need to assess the validation. Reference: Arens, A.A., Elder, R.J., Beasley, M.S. and Hogan, C.E., 2016.Auditing and assurance services. Pearson. Arens, A.A., Elder, R.J., Beasley, M.S. and Jones, J., 2015.Auditing: The Art and Science of Assurance Engagements. Pearson Canada. 2018.Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (AUASB) - Home. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Jan. 2018]. Carson, E., Fargher, N. and Zhang, Y., 2016. Trends in auditor reporting in Australia: A synthesis and opportunities for research.Australian Accounting Review,26(3), pp.226-242. Chandler, R., 2014. Auditing and assurance.London School of Economics. London. Contessotto, C. and Moroney, R., 2014. The association between audit committee effectiveness and audit risk.Accounting Finance,54(2), pp.393-418. Hay, D., 2015. The frontiers of auditing research.Meditari Accountancy Research,23(2), pp.158-174. Hu, D., 2015. Audit quality and measurement: towards a comprehensive understanding.Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal,19(1), p.209. Junior, R.M., Best, P.J. and Cotter, J., 2014. Sustainability reporting and assurance: A historical analysis on a world-wide phenomenon.Journal of Business Ethics,120(1), pp.1-11. Liao, L., Lin, T.P. and Zhang, Y., 2016. Corporate board and corporate social responsibility assurance: Evidence from China.Journal of Business Ethics, pp.1-15. Simnett, R., Carson, E. and Vanstraelen, A., 2016. International Archival Auditing and Assurance Research: Trends, Methodological Issues, and Opportunities.Auditing: A Journal of Practice Theory,35(3), pp.1-32. Simnett, R., Zhou, S. and Hoang, H., 2016. Assurance and other credibility enhancing mechanisms for integrated reporting. InIntegrated Reporting(pp. 269-286). Palgrave Macmillan UK. Soh, D.S. and Martinov-Bennie, N., 2015. Internal auditors perceptions of their role in environmental, social and governance assurance and consulting.Managerial Auditing Journal,30(1), pp.80-111. Trotman, K.T., Bauer, T.D. and Humphreys, K.A., 2015. Group judgment and decision making in auditing: Past and future research.Accounting, Organizations and Society,47, pp.56-72. William Jr, M., Glover, S. and Prawitt, D., 2016.Auditing and assurance services: A systematic approach. McGraw-Hill Education.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Lim Goh Tong free essay sample

A change of mindset can be the pre-requisite step for building and existing entrepreneurs to stay in the business because it having a positive mindset and to step up efforts to deal with constant changes and challenges in a highly competities market place. c) What are the key factors to be considered in the exercise? The key factors to be considered in the exercise are entrepreneur must be smart and resilient in mobilizing all its resources, including HR to move towards common goals and to deal with challenges that affect the business. It requires the creation the creation of a more robust and knowledge business culture with people that deeply understand the business environment. d) What are the key factors to be considered in the exercise? The key factors to be considered in the exercise are considering knowledge as a factor that can make a distint difference and identifying emerging key and new method of conducting business and making it more competitive. We will write a custom essay sample on Lim Goh Tong or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page e) What the factors to achieve entrepreneurial success to sharpen a company’s competitive adge? The factors to achieve entrepreneurial success to sharpen a company’s competitive adge depends on the ability to attract, retain and develop competent people continuously. f) Why is having leadership ability is important? Having leadership ability is important because it stand in good stead for the entrepreneur to help worker in problem-solving as well as to provide guidance on the right work ethics and maximize the employee’ performance. g) How to be a successful entrepreneur? To be a successful entrepreneur , one should have the ability to plan, arrange and control the business in every aspect. . Based on your understanding, give one example of successful entrepreneur in Malaysia. That constributes a lot in Malaysia economy. Give the strength of his (her) product/service. Lim Goh Tong is classic story of a rag-to-riches story. He migrated from China mainland in his youth. And as fate would have it, the two later became friends when he was on his way to build Genting. From the day he was born until his death, Lim Goh Tong did not speak English, he only communicated in Chinese and Malay language. But his language barrier did not prevent him from negotiating one of the largest contracts around. STRENGTH IN BUILDING UP HIS BUSINESS UMPIRE 1. Financial. His strength could be seen from his early age involved in petty trade. He always keeps some of his revenue for future used and increases his capital. 2. Intellectual . Lim Goh Tong always did a survey and made a feasibility study whether to project to be taken really produce profit or loss. He will not close the deals unless money back guaranteed. 3. Location . Choice of location is gave him ahead of others. Genting Resort was built to encourage local people to enjoy breezy environment near Kuala Lumpur. 4. Diversification on Product Offered. Genting Group has diversified from its initial hotel and resort activities to plantations, properties, paper manufacturing, power generation, oil and gas, electronic commerce and information technology development under Genting Group. 5. Government Rule and Regulation. Genting was extremely advantage after government announced in October 2002 to restrict development of highlands. It will create no competition for Genting Group on their resort business. 6. Product Diversification . Lim Goh Tong knows to play his card. He is not dependent on his Casino business. He has Conglomerate Company dealing in Star Cruise, Property Development, Education, Construction, Oil and Gas, Investment, Plantation, Independent Power Industry and Hospitality. He has well diversified revenue and will not worry on economic trend if collapse in certain industry. 6. Favorable access to distribution net works. Lim Goh Tong relationship with all the Prime Minister of Malaysia make his job easy. He received a pioneer status from Tun Abdul Razak on his Genting business. In 1976 the status was extended another year by Tun Hussin Onn through Tan Sri Mohd Noah who is in-law to Razak and Hussin Onn. 7. Market Trend. Lim Goh Tong always follow the trend from his early involvement in construction industry. After WW2 he bought all unused heavy machinery and reconditioned it before it was sold to tin miner and rubber Estate Company for their rehabilitation work.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Main body Essays

Main body Essays Main body Essay Main body Essay In William Wordsworth preface to his lyrical ballads he draws upon the fact that his poems are going to reflect ordinary things. He suggests ordinary things should be presented to the mind in an unusual way (357). This claim is no different than what is presented in his poem the convict. It can be argued that in his poem Wordsworth reveals his true feelings about prison reform at the time of writing and the empathy that he illuminates towards the convict is effective in engaging the readers sympathy. The fact that the poem is called the the convict allows the reader to fully understand that although we do not know the crime of the man we are aware his is a captive. Wordsworth th is attempting to present his views towards prison reform and treatment as the man appears to be held captive by the dungeon he is confined too. It can be argued the use of the term dungeon reflects conditions of prisons during the late eighteenth century. This is because as a reader we conjure up the image of been completely isolated and barricaded from all outside world, and from this image Wordsworth allows the reader to immediately feel sympathy towards the man, which only serves to highlight the oppression. Oppression that the conflict is subjected too in his time of imprisonment is clearly reflected by Wordsworth gloomy descriptions of his situation. His eyes look steadfast dejectionon the fetters that link him to death. To an extent this poem reflects treatment of the convicts during the romanticism era as he recognises the power of the monarchy that fetters, yet in using the word dejection Wordsworth appears to be highlighting his lack of freedom, and the hopelessness the convict feels within the situation. In describing his eyes to appear with a powerful dejected image Wordsworth is drawing upon the negativist effects of imprisonment and it can be argued this reflects his strong beliefs about prison reform. Through the technique and use of negative images Wordsworth appears to be encouraging the reader to empathize with the convicts sad eyes. Wordsworth it can be argued is highlighting his views on prison reform by using obscene imagery in order to show the injustice of the convicts oppression. He informs the reader how the man is so mobbed with guilt his bones are consumed, and his life-blood is dried. This quote it can be argued is reflecting Wordsworth belief on prisoner rehabilitation as he is stressing the emotion and guilt prisoners do feel for what they have done. By using the term dried it can be argued he is attacking prison offices and guards who no longer take notice in what the prisoners have to say, and leave them there to rot in their own guilt. This is further evident when the man wishes the past undo. It appears the man cannot get rid of the guilt he feels for the on his view. The use of the word blackened emphasizes the life of the prisoners during this time, and such darkening language, particularly the use of blood and dried encourages the reader to feel sympathy for prisoners who appear to have lost al l chance in life. It can be argued that Wordsworth clearly reflects his views on prison reform and the treatment of convicts in the late eighteenth century when he contrasts the prisoners situation with that of the monarch. The guilt the convict feels is contrasted with the monarch who from dark synod or blood reeking field. To his chamber is led. The image of a dark synod and blood reeking field bring much negative connotations to the crime of the monarch, it can be said they suggest a sinister, bloody crime and surely this may be no different from that of the convict. Yet the, similar crimes that the monarch has committed appear forgiven as all soothers of sense their soft virtue yield. It appears Wordsworth may be attacking the difference in treatment when he highlights the fact that the monarch returns to his chamber, this is a stark contrast from the convict been confined to the thick ribbed walls. In contrasting clear situations as a result of similar crimes it can be pointed out Wordsworth appe ars to be attacking the treatment and conditions of the prisoners during the late eighteenth century. These images in can be argued reflect the political oppression and harsh treatment towards convicts of captives during the time this poem is written, the silencing of the dog the jail mastiff causes the convict to clearly suffer, terror leaps at his heart. The personification of terror here can be argued highlights how those in power within the prisoner silence the captives, just as the jail-mastiff silences the convict. This quote it can be argued shows Wordsworth views on the treatment of the prisoners during this time. In silencing the convict by the howls of the jail-mastiff it can be said he is attacking how freedom and speech and movement is immediately took away from men in prisons. Through this presentation of loss of freedom, Wordsworth clearly engages the reader in order to highlight the empathy he feels, and also the narrator of this poem. The speaker has not come to look upon the captive and laugh or make fun of his situation, he comes as a brother thy sorrows to share. W ordsworth here shows how the narrator also feels empathy towards the captive. The word sorrow emphasizes the captive situation and it is through this Wordsworth is confirming his sympathy towards all those oppressed. Throughout the poem Wordsworth feelings and empathy are clearly evident to the reader. It appears that empathy is the main passion he is asking the readers to feel towards the convict. Throughout the poem he appears to have engaged the reader with sympathetic responses and ideas to this lack of freedom the convict has been subjected too. This is apparent from the opening of the play in which he describes the convict as an outcast of pity this engages the reader as it highlights that not only has the convict become an outcast with society, and lost his freedom he is also now an outcast of pity. This quote it can be argued engages the reader and allows the reader to feel much sorrow, as the man does not even have pity as a feeling. The situation of the common criminal is repeatedly addressed throughout the poem also; I think Wordsworth does this as an attack on the political system and treatment of the oppressed during this time. In revealing the criminals harsh prison life, Wordsworth it can be said is revealing important truths of lives of the criminals. He appears to take this situation that many men were troubled with and point out that freedom is so important to men and also empathy as a passion. The narrator who at the end explains my care, if the arm of the mighty were mine, would plant thee where thoust might blossom again further emphasizes this. This reflects the sorrow the narrator feels over the loss of freedom for the convict, Wordsworth is communicating to the audience how his chance for freedom is lost now he is in prison, and this serves as an attack against the rehabilitation of convicts.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Strategic Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Strategic Management - Essay Example This innovative and stylistic format has brought widespread attention from companies such as Apple, as well as consumers who are attuned to quality. The consideration of Apple’s implementation of the bags is significant on a number of grounds. Apple’s approach to technological development places high emphasis on branding as well as quality. Their decision to implement FREITAG bags is then contingent on the quality and branding elements, specifically the artistic and stylistic forms these products are able to achieve. Conversely, there are resources that the firm believes are strategic, but in reality are not. FREITAG is an organization that implements sustainable resources as a means of creating their bags. The case study notes, â€Å"Every FREITAG bag is composed of used materials only: old truck tarpaulins, used seat belts for the straps and bicycle inner tubes to keep the edges from fraying, a specification that places it at the more imposing end of the spectrum of sustainable design† (FREITAG). It is clear that the organization believes that the implementation of these supplies is strategic, as it not only is socially responsible, but also makes positive contributions to its image. While such a notion makes sense, in reality it appears that it is not the sustainability aspect that has given the bags their cache, but instead the quality and inventiveness of production; this is evidenced in Apple’s use of the bags, a company that is notoriously concerned with quality. Again, while Apple places considerable emphasis on quality and stylistic product form, they are willing to sacrifice social responsibility – one considers their involvement in the Chinese sweatshop scandal – to achieve these aims. Such a recognition demonstrates it is not this sustainability that is highlighted in the FREITAG bags, but instead their greatest resource is the stylistic quality they are able to achieve. 2. There are many ways that a firmâ⠂¬â„¢s culture and belief system affects its ability to compete. One of the most prominent examples occurs in terms of Google, Inc. In understanding how a firm’s culture and belief system affects its competitive ability one considers institutional theory. Institutional perspectives on organizational culture argue that the organizational culture that is established within an institution impacts all incoming employees. In these regards, as individuals enter the culture they may initially resist the overarching institutional belief system, but ultimately tend towards the overriding paradigm (Clement 2005). It follows that organizations which implement the most successful organizational culture will in-turn have a workforce that directly contribute to organizational success. One recognizes that the challenge then becomes what is the most successful organizational culture to implement. Adams, Hill, & Roberts (2011) consider that the success of organizational culture is oftentimes contingent on uniting the workforce under the auspices of a goal that goes beyond mere financial concerns, but also involves their sense of meaning. Within Google, Inc. it is clear that the organization has gone beyond mere profit considerations. The organization has implemented the popular slogan ‘Don’t Be Evil’. This demonstrates that Google has shown great concern for product development that does not implement shady means. In addition to uniting the workf

Friday, February 7, 2020

ABC accounting versus Traditional Accounting Research Paper

ABC accounting versus Traditional Accounting - Research Paper Example Usually, an organization will fund a particular activity, which helps in monitoring the use of other resources, and assess the outcome. Companies that adopt this technique are able to estimate a particular cost-element of the whole batch of products, services and activities. This way, the company finds it easier to make a decision on the identifying products or services, which are less important. Additionally, any service that tends to overpriced is normally reduced to the right pricing. Further, a company can do away with any processing of goods if the process used proves to be unprofitable. In short, the ABC method helps a company in the assigning cost of resources in the activities to help in delivery of products to its clients (Brown & Tower, 2010). As a result, companies are able to decide on the pricing of goods, their identification, outsourcing as well improve non-effective processes. History Whereas George Staubus is the man that ABC is based on, this concept was first initiated in the US in the 70s. In the late 80s, Robert Kaplan and robin Cooper popularized the term when they both compared the traditional method of accounting with the ABC. In their conclusion, they felt that ABC was more effective than the traditional one. Moreover, it was established that ABC is able to locate the exact cost that a company will spend and not just the main expense.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Honorary members of the institution Essay Example for Free

Honorary members of the institution Essay It is with great pride and honor that I express my heartfelt appreciation for giving us, the students, and the guidance that we need to pursue with taking our dreams and for having been given the chance to enroll in an institution with competent instructors and high quality learning. The competence of the school is beyond compare greater than what I have first expected upon stepping on the floors of this prestigious foundation of education. Hence, with all due respect, I believe that what we have acquired in this institution, all the rationally beneficial fundamentals need to be harnessed on a larger view of human behavior. It is evident that there are skilled and outstanding students who are good at writing—academically able—hence possess dilemmas when it comes to public speaking, socially crippled and unable to open up their â€Å"social abilities† which I believe plays an important role as a university student. We, the students, are expected to raise the name of the institution with flying colors. In behalf of the future professionals intellectually crafted by this institution marvel, we are requesting for a summer camp which will cater several seminars on public speaking with the help of public relations and parliamentary procedure specialists so that we shall be thoroughly prepared when we finally face the bigger world that awaits our journey in life. The seminar will not only draw out the intellectual capacity of the students, but it will also enhance the students’ social skills and moral values by interacting with the other graduates. The series of seminars will also be charity work, wherein the proceeds shall be offered to deserving outreach organizations so as to start shaping the youth not only as students alone, but as public servants as well. We are asking for the administration’s benevolent support in pushing through with this activity since we believe that it is our teachers who can lead us to the brightest star there is. Reference Fry, H. (2002). A Handbook for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Enhancing Academic Practice. New York, NY: RoutledgeFalmer.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Descartes’ Cogito Essay -- Philosophy small universal elements

Descartes’ Cogito It is the purpose of this essay to examine both Descartes’ Cogito argument and his skepticism towards small and universal elements, as well as the implications these arguments have on each other. First, I will summarize and explain the skepticism Descartes’ brings to bear on small and universal elements in his first meditation. Second, I will summarize and explain the Cogito argument, Descartes’ famous â€Å"I think, therefore I am† (it should be noted that this famous implication is not actually something ever said or written by Descartes, but instead, an implication taken from his argument for his own existence). Third, I will critique the line of reasoning underlying these arguments. Descartes attacks small and universal elements with the problem posed by the possibility of God being an omnipotent deceiver, but he seems to think his Cogito argument is immune from this type of criticism. Fourth, I will show how the Cogito is actually har der to establish than the existence of small and universal elements. And, fifth, I will establish small and universal elements as an Archimedean point (i.e. – a foundational claim). In Descartes’ first meditation, paragraphs 9-12, he arrives at the final and most devastating stage of questioning his beliefs. In his first two stages, he questions both small and distant objects and medium sized objects, and concludes that neither can be held as true with any certainty. He throws out the first because of the possibility that the small and distant object is a mirage, and throws out the second because of the possibility that we are actually dreaming while perceiving medium sized objects. In his third and final stage of doubt, Descartes’ examines sma... ...things. The lack of an omnipotent deceiver and the reality of the existence of small and universal elements lead to an even broader foundational claim; there is a world where the small and universal elements exist. Either it is the world around us at his very moment, or, if this is a dream, it is the world of the dreamer whose small and universal elements make up this dream world. In concluding, a few things must be noted. One, Descartes’ omnipotent deceiver does not and cannot exist in the manner Descartes relates. Two, even if the deceiver did exist, the Cogito would not be immune from the pall of doubt the deceiver’s existence would cause to fall on reality. Three, even without the deceiver, the Cogito is falsifiable because of the â€Å"Someone Else’s Dream† argument. Four, there is a world where small and universal elements we know of exist.

Monday, January 13, 2020

The Rate Of Photosynthesis: Lab report

1) Construct a graph of your data2) Using the graph, estimate the time at which 50 percent of the leaf disks were floating on the surface. The point at which 50 percent of the leaf disks are floating will be you point of reference for future investigations Using the graph the estimated time that roughly 50% of the leaf disks were floating on the surface was around the 10th minute. At the 10th minute our number rose up to 26/50 leaf disks. 3. What variable were you testing in this investigation?We were testing the leaf disks as the control. The white light, and the water were the controlled variables. 4. Explain why the leaf disks started to float after being exposed to white light. The leaf disks started floating after being exposed to white light because the process of photosynthesis is light- dependent. Light is required for the process of photosynthesis to begin and so the disks would not start floating unless they were placed under the sun, or in this instance the white light.In this investigation, you measured the rate of oxygen production. How might you measure the rate of loss of carbon dioxide? The rate of oxygen production was measured by the amount of dicks that stated to float at a certain time. After the disks have all floated to the top, the rate of carbon dioxide loss could be measured by how long it takes for the leaf disks to float back down to the bottom. 7) Brainstorm possible environmental factors that could affect the rate of photosynthesis. Do research on one of these factors and write a short paper on your findings. Factors that could affect the rate of photosynthesis could be the duration of wavelength, high light intensity, or even air pollutants.The topic we researched was ‘High Light Intensity†. High light intensity happens beyond saturation point. Light intensity reduces the rate of photosynthesis. This affect is called solarization. It can be caused by photo-inhibition and photo-oxidation. Photo-inhibition and photo-oxida tion occurs when shade leaves are abruptly exposed to bright light or when sun leaves are exposed to bright light with environmental stresses such as water deficit or extreme  temperatures. Both occur when the energy absorbed by the photosynthetic reaction centers exceeds the ability to use that energy in metabolic activity.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Pro Euthanasia Argument in Mla Format Essay - 1792 Words

Argument Essay Euthanasia Active euthanasia should be permitted as a medical treatment to allow people the right to die with dignity without pain and in peace. Euthanasia, also known as assisted suicide or mercy killing, takes on many different forms. When most Americans think of euthanasia, they think of a specific form that is referred to as â€Å"active euthanasia† which means to actively do something that will end a patient’s life with or without that individual’s consent. When euthanasia is performed in an involuntary manner it is usually because the patient is comatose, unconscious, or otherwise unable to communicate whether or not they want to have their life prolonged through artificial means. In such cases, the physician makes an†¦show more content†¦in Petrou 23). Had Hans Knottenbelt been living in any of the forty-nine out of fifty American states where euthanasia is illegal, the sight of his death would have been anything but beautiful. His daughter describes what an average night was like for her father while he was suffering from Lou Gehrigs disease: My Dad woke up in the evenings like a scared rabbit. He was so scared. Not scared of dying, but scared of suffocation, of the way he would die (qtd. in Petrou 22). Without the option of peacefully ending his life, Knottenbelts fears would have become reality. The most likely scenario would have been for him to wake up in the middle of the night and discover his airway blocked up with fluids. In a panic, he would have furiously rung the bell beside his bed to alert his family he needed help, as he did on a near nightly basis. This time his help would either arrive too late, or be unable to clear his windpipe. Knottenbelt would have died in one of the most excruciating ways imaginable. The unlucky family member who had come to his side to try to help him would be forced to watch him violently struggle for air right up until the moment of his death. Frank Collins from Baruch College wrote an essay titled â€Å"To die or not to die† which gives another prime example of a case where active euthanasia should be practiced. He writes about the tragic story of a French woman by the